An Accredited Sensory Course.
The Little Sensory Explorers
There seems to be such a buzz word at the moment in parenthood and as childcarers, “sensory play.” It can be so overwhelming and confusing to understand exactly what that means. A year and a half ago I went to find an accredited course that would provide me with a deeper understanding. But I struggled to find anything. I contacted Grace from the Sensory Submarine, together we teamed up to research an evidence based course that provided an easy understanding as to what sensory play is, the benefits and how to set up a business without being part of a franchise.
The course is 20 hours online, with the opportunity to be in person for the day, along with full access to the online content. It is designed with passion and research, this was like doing another thesis. We want to empower those to work for themselves to get a work life balance.
If you would like to find out more, send us an email or DM via instagram @thelittlesensoryexplorers